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"About us"

Konstanze, my wife is an enthusiastic horsewoman since earliest youth. On the basis of steadily increasing problems inter alia with difficulties in form of having troubles in breathing, she could practice however her hobby very seldom in her youth.

As a specialist in lungs - and bronchial medicine with the main focus Allergology, I was told by a patient in my doctor's office of horses which produce less or not at all allergic troubles and she presented me informative material. She was asking me, if something like that might be possible at all. At the moment I was indeed stumped for an answer - However I assured the patient of informing myself in detail about this matter. At that time I had not the faintest idea what degree this promise should take up.

When Konstanze got to hear about the existence of Curly-Horses at once she was as keen as mustard and she immediately began to obtain continuing information. Then, a little later, we paid a visit to some curly breedings and we were fascinated of these horses. Calm, balanced, inquisitive, outgoing. In this way the animals lived joined together in herds. With their curly coat in winter the "Rasta-mane", the eyelashes towards to the top and the curls in the ears they do look exceptionally interesting. Konstanze buried her face in the pleasant fur smelling of wool that was lightly containing tallow and - didn't get any allergic troubles. As a result of that we decided to build up a breed of our own.

As this horse breeding is extremely seldom (according to different details less than 4000 registered animals world-wide - in Europe less than 250 animals), long distances had to be overcome. In the period following we paid a visit to a lot of breeders in Germany, Austria, Norway, Sweden and Canada, and contained further information. My wife, as a qualified breeding judge, communication therapist for orses insemination keeper selected together with her family the perfect breeding animals for the basis of a successful breeding (training).

On the basis of especially in Europe very limited population it's hardly possible up to now to get fully-grown and qualified animals. As we are willing to pursue exact definite ideas with regard to the attitude and education of the Curlies, we decided on the following presented horses in our website.

All horses are registered in the breeding book of the pure bred Curly Horses (ABC). In the German breeding association (DPZV) is carried out the stringent judgment with regard to the exterior and interior.

We don't confuse "robust-owning" with "to be left to oneself" of the horses. All the family, so also my two daughters Kristabel (17) and Isabeau (13) years old, are in daily touch with the horses and they are simply filled with enthusiasm.

Then I could give a detailed report to my patient.

PS. This "About us" describes date 2005..

Reinhard Riemann